Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Heaven hears.

This weeks home work was to write an essay on 'relegion
Not an easy one for me!

Heaven hears.
The murmuring was growing louder. It just increased with every year that passed, and 4 billion years was a lot of increasing to do.

It started softly, and then grew, the mumbled voices, the pitiful cries, the heartfelt pleading, the screams of pain from within, the cries of the poor, the traumatised, the mothers for the children, the children for food. Begging, pleading, petitioning, and occasionally, thanksgiving.

Words could discerned from among the babble;  ‘Abba’ ‘Ahura Mazda’ ‘Father’ ‘Elohim’ ‘Jehovah’ ‘Allah’ ‘Krishna’ there were almost as many names as there were souls that called them.

The earth groaned and trembled, sometimes cracking under the strain of the souls that cried. Rivers of water flooded and volcano’s erupted, the earth split apart in pain causing quakes and tsunami’s.

Brothers fought against brothers, did they not know the land was to share? They each proclaimed that god had promised the land to them, and them alone.

The souls split and divided, each claiming rights and righteousness, each one sure only of one thing; that their way was the ‘true’ way and everyone else was wrong.

 Stony faced statues were adorned, adored and sacrificed to. Rituals handed down from one generation to another, entrenching further things that were no longer understood, their meaning from another era long forgotten. These traditions bring comfort to some, and rebellion to others.

Some souls denied their bodies food, beating themselves for their sins and castigating the pain to drive it out. Others in quite contemplation meditated, the humming grew louder.
Some souls, not content with causing pain to themselves, turned to others to inflict pain up them.

Destruction and carnage was painful to witness, the enslaving of their own brothers in the name of god.

A few rays of light pierced the darkness, acts of selflessness, of sacrifice, bringing food and care to brothers who were in need. Tiny drops in the ocean, but to those who received, they were the breath of life. These lights were like lazers beaming out for all to see, radiating hope and joy to those it touched. Acts of kindness, words of compassion, touches of care. They pushed the darkness back and held it at bay for small moments.
The humming softened, voices of thanksgiving arose in places.

Oh, souls below don’t you know… all you need is Love?

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